I want to become a kung fu master, but I%26#039;m 50 years old.
I%26#039;m in good physical shape. 5 feet 8 inches and weigh 160 pounds. Exercises daily, and my only physical defect is a repaired right ACL which I tore in a ski accident.
I%26#039;m not very diciplined though and get bored with stuff quickly, but I have high pain tolerance.
Do I have a chance of becoming a kung fu master?|||Not to be discouraging but your answer is %26quot;No%26quot;. Realistically if you have difficulty staying focused and you get bored quickly you would never achieve the level that you aspire to. To be a master you have to practice techniques over and over until they are as natural as breathing. A lot of study, blood, sweat and tears and tons of the mundane are involved over years.
A high pain tolerance doesn%26#039;t mean anything. It takes a whole lot more than that.
I would suggest training. I think you will find it will have a positive effect in your life.|||of corse yuo do. anyone can if they train like they mean it. depending on the studio you chose there might be a adult class. in these classes the instructor can work with the adults and help them be successful in martial arts instead of having to focus on kids. it would probably be a good idea to go to these classes to get the most out of your training. so basically try to attend the adult classes more often then the junior ones.|||Hey cdkvisio you should use spell check or else DISCIPLINE yourself to check your own spelling, what a moron!!!|||anything is possible, are you asking this question because your bored, if so give up now ,if not look forward to a minimum of 20 years hard work . without a very good sifu/sensei it will take a lot longer.good luck|||Why not master your life, then you have as kung fu is simply great accomplishment. So achieve some great accomplishment. Kung Fu is not a fighting style to learn, it is an achievement to earn. Kung Fu means Great Accomplishment.
Now a certain style, well it is not the quanity, but rather the quality that makes one master a certain Way. You can get a Master on Paper that will get trashed every time by a lesser belt that has Mastered their moves while the Master has a piece of paper. It is like saying %26quot; I am a Black Belt %26quot; and others assuming you can then fight good. Not always true.
I have met many Black belts that had papers to prove their rank, but skills that showed much less. And I have met Purple and Blue Belts that will amaze you. Style, teacher, Student, and other factors all matter.
In Kung Fu San Soo ( Tsoi Li Ho Fut Hung Ga San Shao Wu Shu ) you can earn a Black Belt in 3 years of study, each year in study is then 1 degree, after 7 years or degrees your a master ranking. A total of 10 years is the facts.
White to Yellow belt 3 to 5 months, Yellow to Green 9 months to 1 year, Brown belt 2 years and Black in 3.
1 year for each degree after Black Belt
10 degrees possible|||If you are not diciplined you should never become kung fu master. First dicipline yourself . Age is not a big problem.|||I ask myself this question all the time, I have 10 yrs. training off and on and am turned 50 in 2 more months. I get burned out w/ it sometimes, I also have the problem that I don%26#039;t like training in a school situation. They try and force you to do tournaments and use up training time playing warm up games and push-ups and stuff you already know. After all the the bowing down I had to do, i just started training on my own w/ DVDs. I know this is not better than than training w/ many partners, but really at my age and what I%26#039;ve been through on money it just makes sense to me. No, I don%26#039;t think I can be a full fledged master, but I can still develop a very high level of skill by doing it this way, my advice to you is train everyday even if it is a little bit, let your body dictate how hard, do not quit.|||Yes, it is too late.
No, you don%26#039;t have a chance of becoming a kung fu master, you can still train and learn alot though.
good luck!|||You say you are 50 but I have seen a few of your questions.
You seem more like 15. That%26#039;s the impression I got from all the questions.|||well im not sure about master but as long as you try hard you should be able to achieve a good level of kung fu.|||Why not? Worst that will happen is you don%26#039;t get to that level.|||You need to start now. Yes you can do it. I started at your age. I haven%26#039;t made master yet and probably won%26#039;t. I spend too much time on students and not enough on myself. I will be going for my second deg. Tae Kwan Do next summer. I will be 64. I prefer it that way though. My instructor relay deserves master much more than I do. You can in some arts be called a master once you have achieved a high enough rank before you become 60 years old. and hold that rank on your 60%26#039;th birthday. So I was told. Training will make you feel much younger. Go for it. Remember it is all about the journey not the destination. We are all headed to the same destination.
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