Monday, November 16, 2009

Benefits of a 5 animal style kung fu class?

Just asking, I%26#039;m going to join a 5 animal style Kung Fu class soon..

Are there fitness benefits, etc?|||Well yes there are benefits to learning the five animal style, but I don%26#039;t know which philosophy your learning from. There are many variations of the five animals style. Many use different animals, and nearly all have different philosophies. I can only tell you the basic benefits you%26#039;ll see in any style of martial arts and the benefits I recieve from my system.

Each animal form is not a style all unto its self, its a lesson or a system to build the style. So with each animal different lessons are taught and different manners of movements are used, all building a style or a philosophy of thought.

Other benefits will be basic, getting into shape, understanding body mechanics, more accurate actions and movments, understanding environments around us, ect.|||well being a five animal practioner i can say safely say you will get fit enjoy the horse stance training :)|||Yes. Each animal in itself is a style. So by doing 5, you are learning many styles, or methods of fighting. Like what points to hit, grappling, how to go from block to counter, opening, and types of attacks. It will give you a multitude of fitness benefits as well. Such as strength with tiger, balance with crane, and finger strength with snake. But the down side is that a %26quot;Jack of all trades%26quot; normaly loses to a specualised person.

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