Saturday, November 14, 2009

Where Can I Learn Kung Fu And/Or Ninjutsu?

I think Kung Fu would be more suited towards me because I am of Chinese origin.

But Ninjutsu seems mysterious and deadly.

Does anyone know what schools or places teach these? Any other info about the arts themselves?|||In order for us to help you, we need to know where you live.

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|||well, that kinda al depends on where your from and teh resources availabile to you...i have taken choi le fut kung fu from the white dragon kung fu academy in San Diego, but even places in arkansas have places where you can take kung fu, but if you dream of wearing the little black mask and dancing around on roof tops.....just go play ninja gaiden!|||hi dear

i think some countries can make u sporter at this way

as japan korea.iran.taiwan|||A school would be a great place to start.|||You%26#039;ll get your *** kicked no matter what you learn!

PS: I love you.

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