Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can anyone give me advice on studying kung fu in china?

I%26#039;m looking at going to china for a year to study kung fu on Wudan Mountain, iv%26#039;e done other martial arts before but would like to hear whats its like from someone whos done something simmilar|||I%26#039;m doing something similar to that. My gong fu teacher is from Wu Dang, and my sister and I, along with some other students of my father, are studying from him. It%26#039;s hard the first few, well, weeks! Don%26#039;t stop! Don%26#039;t take a break longer than a day! We just took a three day break and started again, and we wanted to barf our guts out. Well, not trying to scare you off, sorry. You have your basic hard core training: frog jumps, splits, duck walk, kicks (oh yes, lots of kicks), and forms! Forms are fun, but time-consuming if you don%26#039;t pay close attention, and I mean close attention. But if you got a can-do, lets-go attitude, and don%26#039;t wimp out like us, you%26#039;ll do fine. Hope you do well on Wudang.

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