Friday, May 21, 2010

Can a kung fu master really walk across rice paper without tearing it?

No problem.

No sweat.

Sweat on the feet and no muscle control will cause the paper to tear. Practice on news paper. News paper is stronger so you must try not to move the paper even the slightest move of the news paper would have torn rice paper. When you get good at it than have people strike at you while walking on the paper. You must block the strikes without moving the paper. This is a great way to have fun while developing self control.

Thanks Shihan J. I needed that.|||Absolutely. I saw a Kung fu practitioner stood on a dozen eggs while perform a kata while we were in Hong Kong years ago. After the performance he ask for volunteer to replace him on top of the eggs. One of the smallest girl in our group volunteered. The eggs broke as soon as she step on them.|||yes....the point is to walk across it without making a sound or tearing, ripping, crinkling it. Ninjas can do it as well.

I can only do this on Meade 3-hole loose leaf paper...|||a shaolin monk can do this and they can walk through walls, if looked for they can not be seen

grasshopper|||Yes. You obviously haven%26#039;t been watching enough movies.|||absolutely not|||I do not think so .

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