Friday, May 21, 2010

Would it be stupid to wait until Im older to learn karate of kung-fu?

Im 13,going into 8th grade.I want to have some kind of martial arts kinda background but I want to leanr it once im out on my own and older.Is that dumb to wait cuz most ppl learn while there kids.|||Absolutely NOT!

MOF: You will probably learn in much more depth if you wait!

Get into a %26quot;kids class%26quot; and you will probably only learn the moves. (It%26#039;s pretty much just a game in kids classes.)

Start a class when you are a bit older and you will probably have an opportunity to learn the philosophy and mindset as well.|||I really can%26#039;t add much that hasn%26#039;t already been said, because i started when I was 21, but I wish I had started when I was your age.

FOR mj- How many ninjitsu schools that are any good do you know. Karate teaches you and helps you learn about yourself and the world around you, any style with a good teacher does. you are the type of person that does not need to be answering questions on here about martial arts, because it is obvious you know nothing about it.|||Start now and perfect it as you get older. Martial Arts are not something that you can perfect in a year or two. My son is 12 and has been studying Tae Kwon Do for three years. He has another 6 months to one year before he gets to Black Belt. From there each black belt level is another 2 years each (to seventh Dan).|||not stupid, but if you really want to learn, the sooner the better. As you get older your body does not heal as fast and muscles do not stretch as easy. I%26#039;ve been doing wushu for 12 years now and started when I was 12, it was a lot easier for me to get good than people who started when they were 20..although it doesnt mean its impossible.|||it is not stupid...but it is MORE stupid.

its never too late to learn...sometimes kids have other things on their mind...other things to worry about.

sometimes martial arts can improve your grades in school, self esteem, confidence...self defense...etc.

the earlier you start, the better. but isnt stupid to wait.

its never too late.

my recommendation?.....start right away, find a good school, with a good teacher that suits your goals...and have fun!|||i%26#039;d say get into it now start with karate but move onto ninjitsu or jujitsu this stuff is crazy it%26#039;s intense and it%26#039;s amazing what you can learn not just about defense but about yourself and the world around you it%26#039;ll help you through a lot of things i can%26#039;t explain it but if you get into it you%26#039;ll know|||There is an old saying that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Kudo%26#039;s to you if you know that you%26#039;re not ready yet.|||why wait start now you can alwalys continue learning thats the best part about it...never can know everything...|||It is wise to wait until you are very serious. If it is now than do it now.

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