Monday, May 17, 2010

What stances in kung fu is better to practice in morning?

when i woke up in the morning i just do streches without practicing stances, i would like to ask for what is the better stance to practice in every morning? and how many min.?|||Try Tai Chi... it%26#039;s great in the mornings.

Great thing about Tai Chi is that you can do it for as long as you want. Try maybe 15 minutes at first.

Also- you can go for a jog for 15 mins, that%26#039;ll strike a good balance with the Tai Chi.|||try chi gung %26#039;earth%26#039; stance and hold it as long as you can while relaxing....if you do an hour you%26#039;ll find yourself really working hard and sweating like mad...|||wu shu is really good, because when u practice it you achive the relaxation factor of the morning time, I also suggest that you jog.|||KUNG FUORTABLE!|||I agree that tai chi would be good. It%26#039;s slow and natural feeling to get you going in the morning. I%26#039;d avoid dragon stance for more than a minute or two at a time; I used to sit in it for a long time and my knees are tore up from it.|||i agree with afrosack no one likes brownbread|||I would probably say white bread.

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