Friday, May 21, 2010

Why are there no wing chun or kung fu practitioners in the MMA?

I dont know a lot about MMA so maybe this is a stupid question but i dont think there are MMA fighters who use JKD, wing chun etc. Why is this.|||To be fully honest... I don%26#039;t know. Reality is, there is no reason. I have a feeling that it has more to do with how the words %26quot;MMA%26quot; were created. MMA was created through the path of the UFC and PRIDE and other such full contact fighting competitions. MMA is supposed to stand for Mixed Marrtial Arts, which means a fighter takes his/her favorite techniques from ANY martial art and blends them to create a unique and personal style. However, because of organizations like the UFC whose fighters were made famous and they mostly trained in certain MA%26#039;s, MMA came to stand for any mix of: Brazilian Jujitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, or Boxing, with little else included. This is evident even in the way you wrote your question, you referred to %26quot;the%26quot; MMA. I think you meant to write %26quot;the UFC,%26quot; but like so many, you confused the concept of personalized martial arts training (MMA) with a fighting organization (UFC). By the way, I am really tired of everyone saying that certain traditional and Chinese arts aren%26#039;t applicable for streetfighting or aren%26#039;t %26quot;functional.%26quot; How do you think these arts were invented then? And why do you think they were invented? Have any of you TMA denouncers ever even picked up a history book? The FACT is that all Chinese martial arts were created out of a necessity for self defense. China used to be comprised of 5 separate states that were constantly at war, it is in the fires of these wars that most Chinese martial arts were forged: tested in real-time on the battle field in life or death situations. Wing Chun, Choy Li Fut, Shaolin, and WuShu were all battle tested and saved lives. There aren%26#039;t any special %26quot;modern%26quot; circumstances that make them obsolete. Fighters today simply don%26#039;t believe that there is any logic to a fight other than %26quot;Ug, me hit hard, me tough!%26quot; We need to be careful not to take the %26quot;art%26quot; away from martial arts. Wing Chun%26#039;s centerline theory, Shaolin%26#039;s internal Chi power, and Wushu%26#039;s flowing motions are all Advanced Combat. These are techniques that, after having learned and long ago mastered the basics of attack and block, were created from an intimate knowledge of how the human body works and the process that fights go through. These are not techniques that any beginning fighter can just pick up and utilize, one must first build a foundation and then ascend to the higher skill level it takes to truly realize these techniques. It seems that most fighters today want to stay beginners and not truly gain any skill, only strength, speed, and stamina. We must strive to be artists of the battle field, not merely drones who do what the television tells us to do.

Happy Training.|||because wing chun and kung fu are FOR THE MOST PART unrealistic and have very little fighting application. it isn%26#039;t worth searching through thousands of kung fu/wing chun schools for the one that will teach you to strike effectively when the boxing club on the corner,(or anywhere) will do so just as well if not better and probably cheaper to. In addition many of the concepts and techinques in kung fu and wing chun even in those few good schools are not effective in any sort of fight(centerline anybody?)

and dont tell me any crap about techniques which are meant for the street which would be to dangerous for the ring, if you can train them in a realistic manner you wont be able to do them in a fight, and even if you could they aren%26#039;t the magic bullet everyone thinks they are. eye gouges for instance, look up Gerard Gordeau vs Yuki Nakai. nakai caught gordeau in a heel hook and gordeau tried to eye gouge his way out of the submission, Nakai held on and submitted gordeau even though gordeau managed to BLIND NAKAI IN THAT EYE. so yes eye gouges can do damage, unfortuneately for the gouger you don%26#039;t need to see to grapple and you will likely only piss the guy off. there is no garantee it will save you.|||Because MMA is the real thing.|||There are %26quot;kung fu%26quot; fighters aplenty in MMA but formal wing chun training practices are not conducive to success in competition though you might say that vague permutations of them made it into combat sports such as boxing. JKD isn%26#039;t even a martial art. It is a bunch of concepts thought up by Bruce Lee. He was very critical of wing chun in fact.

Everybody ends up with their own fighting style when it%26#039;s time to throw down.|||the rules of engagement limit the usefulness (if any to start with).

it would also be the same for special forces rambos. introduce rules that take away your styles specific techniques then you limit your ability to overcome the odds. if your key technique is to bite the balls out of the enemy, you cant use it in the fight so you then have nothing.

like a MMA guy playing chess, with chess only rules. unless he can play the game by its rules all his skill is worthless.|||Because mma incorporates moves from many martial arts, so in a way it is a martial art in itself. Jeet Kune Do is considered a martial art that also incorporates moves from many martial arts, but is meant to make sure you dont have that opponent around for a rematch. If you noticed, most of the fighters dont claim to have a main martial art like in the old days when everyone was one dimensional. Ill bet most fighters have at least one move they do that was taken from kung fu, jkd, or wing chun.|||San Soo has a great fighter with a good track record. Kyle Olsen is as he states strickly San Soo, he has done well in MMA.

Jimi H. Woo San Soo Southern Chinese Kung Fu Wu Shu Choy Li Fut.

Kyle is only one of many San Soo fighters and or folks that were wise enough to add it as well to their arsenal. Hope this answers your question, as Kung Fu is in the MMA and doing well.|||Everybody aint into Sports!

MMA has rules that u have to follow;In real combat:There Are NO Rules!

In the MMA the ONLY thing that%26#039;s preventing these guys from killing each the Referee.|||some would say they%26#039;d get whooped because they dont train/spar realistically many things are techniques they learn in theory therefore they wouldnt know how to use it in a real fight since they lack practice, and also limit themselves by not learning ground fighting. you can look up when the gracies were trying to make a name for brazilian jiujitsu you would see them pretty easily submit or choke out kung fu, karate, kempo masters

others would say jeet kune do, wing chin etc....are self defense arts that arent bounded by rules by entering mma which has rules it would water their style down since they wouldnt be able to use some of their techniques:

just like historians say the spartans boycotted the olympics because they werent allowed to eye gouge etc...

in essence jeet kune do is mma just without rules

those are the main arguements people make for and against those styles|||Because JKD, Wing Chun, and every other kung fu form, except Sanshou, won%26#039;t work. Would common sense tell you that if kung fu was effective, it would be widely used? Kinda like natural selection, i.e. use and disuse.|||many mma fighters have trained in traditional martial arts like kung fu and karate. I think Forrest griffen used to do kung fu.

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