Saturday, May 15, 2010

Whats the difference between Kung Fu and Wing Chun in Martial arts?

I want to take up a martial arts class and the place i want to study at has these two styles to choose from. i was wondering what the difference was, which is a better style to choose from as a beginner and which will provisde a better overall fitness?|||Why are you asking this here in the Astronomy forum????

Why not ask this in Sports %26gt; Martial Arts ?|||Wing Chun is just a subject in Kung Fu under barehand fighting. In fact Kung Fu can be interpret as %26quot;Chinese Martial Art%26quot; and Wing Chun is just a very small part of it. as a beginner, Wing Chun is pretty good for fundamentals.|||This is the Astronomy group. Not the right place for your question.

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