Monday, May 17, 2010

Where can I learn Kung Fu moves online?

I learnt basic moves on the Expert Village website but now I want to learn some more moves and I don%26#039;t have a Martial Arts club near me.

So any good websites?|||If you read %26#039;The Tao of Jeet Kune Do%26#039; By Bruce Lee, you will get alot out of it including philosophy and how to think while in combat. He describes his fighting style thoroughly as well. You can download the entire book for free (in ebook form) at this link:

You%26#039;ll need limewire or utorrent to DL it. If you decide you like it you can go buy the original paperback. It really is a great, great book. There%26#039;s many things that I got out of it when I read it years ago that I still hold with me today.|||fantasyland.

that is the only place you will learn online.

you need a teacher not only to correct you (which is the MOST important aspect of training), but to teach you the little differences that go from mere imitation, to being able to actually apply the technique (hidden mechanics).|||YouTube may have some more videos you can check out. If not, probably just google around and see what you come up with.

Or, just take a martial arts class.|||Yeah. I learned a lot of mine from|||dont try zombo its a gag website. just google kung fu move tutorials. worked for me.|||

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