Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where do i go to learn kung fu?

I know it sounds silly, but I don%26#039;t know any where close by that teaches it, any suggestions on how to find a place.|||Depends on what you want to learn there is more then one style.|||Well, if you live in a big city, it should be fairly easy to find a place. You can Google nearby places and then go and watch and see if the instructor(s) are to your liking. Most places have no problem with you checking them out, you just may have to clarify your intentions if there are a bunch of kids there. In that case, do you really want to train with a bunch of kids, anyway? If you don%26#039;t like in a large rural area though, you%26#039;re probably not going to find much. If, by chance, you do live in Orlando though, there%26#039;s an amazing Wah Lum Kung Fu Temple.|||I embarked on in Wing Chun and at the moment added variant groups. Really you should capture your own combination. i even have done aikido to compliment my trapping. At the moment I add martialarm training at office and its great fun.I found my training more adept whenever I added one or two martial arts training. try the martialarm The martial arm is the ultimate martial arts training device, bar none ! This training partner will definitely change the way all attack based martial arts develop. Incredible machine for those who train hard. T. Tabosa|||Well..where do yo live. Do you live in an area with a lot of Chinese Americans, that always helps, not to sound racist, but my sifu is ABC and he is amazing.

I%26#039;d go web shopping in my area, visit a few places and see what you like.

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